Aug 24, 2020
Scooby and the PragMedics are back again with Part 3 of a three-part series discussing intubation. In this episode, we discuss the intubation process from confirmation of tube placement to a failed airway. In todays episode, Scooby discusses intubation steps and thoughts in a pragmatic, logical way with tons of information. Tube in and sit back for another great episode of “I had This Patient.”
Be sure to follow Scooby at the Saint Fisher Church of EBM on Facebook and IG! Also, check out the Pragmatic Paramedics website, Facebook, IG, and Twitter!
As always, we want to thank our supporters: Priority 1 Air Rescue, Red Clover Coffee, Black Wolf Helicopters, SayAgainOver, and finally Pelican, but also and more importantly to our listeners!