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Pragmatic Paramedics

Jun 21, 2021

In this episode, the PragMedics talk with Dr Timothy Durkin and  discuss Heat Stroke, the signs, symptoms, myths, and of course treatment modalities. The boys and Dr. Durkin look to find practical ways for street level providers to identify and treat heat stroke. Dr Durkin provides the listeners with useful tips...

May 31, 2021

In this episode, Jason and Scooby (Aaron was on shift doing real work) sit down with Ryan Kerr to discuss his free online ventilator book, reasons for writing and publishing a free book, and other ventilator thoughts.  Ryan is a current medic/nurse who flies for AirMethods in the Southwest. This is one of our...

Apr 5, 2021

In this episode, the PragMedics and Scooby sit down and discuss a proper disaster patient, one with an upper GI bleed (esophageal varices). We discuss a patient from the ICU perspective with lessons learned for paramedics.  These patients are challenging to manage, and it's a great conversation that will help a...

Jan 27, 2021

The PragMedics decided to look inward and interview Aaron about a recent austere/disaster response mission he participated. Jason and Scooby talk with Aaron about his recent trip to a developing country in response to a natural disaster.  This episode has bits and pieces from disaster response preparation for...

Jan 14, 2021

Welcome to our first episode of Cognitive Offloading with the PragMedics and Scooby! In this episode, Dr. Andrew Fisher (Trauma Daddy) and Jason Segal of P1 Air Rescue join us to chat about a wide range of topics, from acute traumatic coagulopathy to our thoughts on a hot EMS topic. So join us and enjoy this episode...